Understanding Quiet Title Action In California
If you’ve paid the fees, mortgage and taxes for a property but aren’t on the title – then you need to learn about quiet title action in California.
What’s A Quiet Title Action?
A quiet title action is a way to establish a true legally recognized owner for a property by “quieting” other claims to a property or title.
These types of actions are found most commonly when there are co-borrowers on a lease. For example, this can be two co-owners of a property or multiple family members who all share ownership. By nature, you have conflicting claims over that property’s ownership.
When there are conflicting claims on a property, a quiet title action enables the California court system to resolve the title conflict between parties.
If you find yourself in a title conflict, there are a few requirements that can tell you if you have a case for a quiet title action. You should contact a real estate attorney if you are paying the insurance, taxes and title fees for a property but you’re not on the title. A quiet title action may serve you.
How Does Quiet Title Action Work?
“A quiet title action is actually the biggest part of a real estate litigation,” explained Steffanie Stelnick, a Santa Clarita real estate attorney and founder of The Law Offices of Steffanie Stelnick. “It essentially takes the title from one person and lawfully transfers it to somebody else.”
The requirements to file a quiet title action – and effectively establish property rights – are extensive and detailed. While transferring a title might seem like just a stack of paperwork, it includes a nuanced understanding of the laws, paying the correct fees and taxes, immaculate paperwork and more. Even then, you can still encounter delays.
That’s where a form like The Law Offices of Steffanie Stelnick can help.
Resolving Property Disputes With Quiet Title Action
If you’re in the middle of a property dispute with another owner, a quiet title action could help you find resolution.
To establish your legal status as the owner of the property through quiet title action, first we would take an in-depth look at the history of property by reviewing the “chain of title,” as well as other documents. If you’re not on the title, we would address who is on the title and why.
“You really need an expert eye to help you determine who has a right to the title and why, based on your property’s unique history,” Steffanie explained. “The answers to those questions, as well as any other potential claims or issues, form the basis for determining how a quiet title action in Santa Clarita can be pursued.”
Bottom line: If you’re paying the insurance, taxes and title fees on a property – but you’re not on the title – contact your real estate lawyer at The Law Offices of Steffanie Stelnick immediately.
How We Can Help
Our attorneys can review your preliminary title report and title history with an expert eye, trained in real estate law in Santa Clarita and throughout California.
If possible, it’s best to contact your licensed real estate attorney early in the process, so we can make the process as easy as possible with the most positive outcome possible.
If you are in need of a free consultation to review your preliminary title report, one of our attorneys can help you today.
About The Law Offices of Steffanie Stelnick
The Law Offices of Steffanie Stelnick is a full-service civil litigation law firm in California that focuses on real estate law, with cases in estate planning, probate, landlord and tenant disputes and contract disputes. Mrs. Steffanie Stelnick represents builders, small and large property management companies, investors, brokers and all types of real property owners. In 2020, she was recognized by the American Institute of Trial Lawyers as Litigator of the Year. Mrs. Stelnick believes all landlords and tenants should know their rights, and when it comes to representation, experience matters. The Law Offices of Steffanie Stelnick has handled thousands of real estate cases with a strong, aggressive approach that ensures all clients operate on an even playing field in a litigation environment. Founded in the Santa Clarita Valley, this premiere real estate law firm has offices throughout the state of California, including Encino, San Francisco and Sacramento.